
Showing posts from January, 2021

Why I'm leaving Facebook

I haven't said much about my decision, and many people are leaving for other platforms. I am not leaving for another platform, with the exception of a blog.  There is something called emotional contagion. As a highly sensitive person and a strongly empathic person, this is something to which I'm strongly susceptible. Emotional contagion means that feelings are contagious. It's the same thing that makes babies cry when they hear another baby cry. Or why we laugh when someone is laughing.  I feel like with the pandemic and fewer outlets, everyone's emotional responses, including my own, are heightened. As an empath, I feel not only my feelings, but other people's feelings as well. And, I feel all of them all at once - good, bad, happy, sad, angry, fearful, confused, heartbroken, suspicious. I feel them from both sides of the aisle. I feel them in addition to my feelings, and I also feel my feelings about your feelings. This can be overwhelming.  I'm not going to l...

A whole new world

  Never in my life did I imagine months of work from home, a pandemic, wearing masks as a normal thing, or Bernie becoming a viral meme. 2020 was a wild ride, and I'm hoping that the world starts to look a whole lot less chaotic soon. In the meantime, how do we human in meaningful ways? Specifically, I mean interactions with humans other than spouse or immediate family? How do we still human? I  still Zoom, but it's becoming tiresome. Spring and Summer are easier for me. I garden, hike, eat outdoors, try to do socially distant outdoor activities in the sun, and these things are good.  Right now, we're going to church (they have very stringent protocols in place), and I attend a socially distant (in person) dog training course for our puppy. Clay and I want to join a post card club where you send post cards to people all over the world. In the same vein, I'm still working on very belated Christmas cards (they'll probably be Valentine's Cards at this rate). I am e...