Why I'm leaving Facebook

I haven't said much about my decision, and many people are leaving for other platforms. I am not leaving for another platform, with the exception of a blog. 

There is something called emotional contagion. As a highly sensitive person and a strongly empathic person, this is something to which I'm strongly susceptible. Emotional contagion means that feelings are contagious. It's the same thing that makes babies cry when they hear another baby cry. Or why we laugh when someone is laughing. 

I feel like with the pandemic and fewer outlets, everyone's emotional responses, including my own, are heightened. As an empath, I feel not only my feelings, but other people's feelings as well. And, I feel all of them all at once - good, bad, happy, sad, angry, fearful, confused, heartbroken, suspicious. I feel them from both sides of the aisle. I feel them in addition to my feelings, and I also feel my feelings about your feelings. This can be overwhelming. 

I'm not going to lie. January 6, followed by all the emotions relating to the recent change in administration, was just the end of what I could handle. Please know, this is not an invitation to discuss your thoughts about politics. If you do, even if I agree with you, I will delete the comment. Whatever your feelings are, they are strong, and I'm just not up for discussing outside of a mutually respectful one on one conversation at this time. 

In addition, I have very sincere concerns about the extent of time and energy that I am giving to social media. How many hours am I wasting scrolling endlessly, when I could be genuinely connecting with someone instead through a phone call or a letter? By sending a text? What could I be creating? What could be be pursuing? What could I be observing or enjoying? What could I be praying about?

For these reasons, I strongly feel like Facebook is something I need to let go of right now. This is not a judgement against anyone who enjoys Facebook. It has allowed me to connect with so many people and events. I will miss words with friends, and all the baby pictures. I will miss the funny things that people share, and the convenience of connection that it allows. There may be a time I come back. But I until then, I hope we can find other, meaningful ways to stay in touch.

-  Laura


  1. I think you are wise to be aware of these things and to take action. Hope this year you are able to connect with people in more meaningful ways!! Love you :)


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