Seeing life through a new lens!

Somewhere along the way, November came and went. So did December, and now January is more than halfway there herself. My mind has been filled with many blog posts along the way, but distraction or adventuring won out and my blog was neglected once again. I do and do not regret it. There were some things on my heart to share, but sometimes you just have to be and cherish those around you. That's a tension I need to figure out to be a more consistent writer.

We were spoiled in November & December with family visits, and holiday adventuring. My iPhone is filled with pictures and memories. I love the ease in which smart phones have allowed us to capture a moment. Such a long way we've come from point and shoot cameras of yesteryear. But living here, I've longed for some time for a much nicer camera.

What this move taught me, if anything, is that you never know where you'll end up in life.  Less than 6 months before we moved, I had no idea where my town was on the map. California was not even on my radar at all. It was that place I may visit someday after I crossed many other destinations off my bucket list. Now the Central Coast is my home. And, it is so gloriously beautiful. It just never gets old.

For my birthday, Clay, being the amazing husband that he is, bought me a DSLR camera. I don't know much more than how to operate auto settings. (I see a class in my future). But I'm having so much fun. The picture above was taken one day when Clay and I decided to explore Santa Margarita and the abandoned town of El Pozo. It's one of my favorites to date.

The next time you see me, Texas peeps, I hope to be even more of a camera nerd. I get a little nerdier every day. It's a process.



  2. Hi Laura, I'm so excited to see you have a blog too! I just started mine in November. What a fun and enjoyable adventure. It's really such a small world, isn't it? I'm really glad you are loving California. I'm so happy I moved back from Texas. See you around. - Desiree Figg


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